Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter, even though I'm not religious; the chocolate is welcome.

for the past month or so, the levels of annoyance-y in my brother's body have peaked an all time HIGH! I've been pretty much constantly pissed off with him for about a month, but we're the type of brother and sister who can abuse the shite out of each other, then LITERALLY 5 seconds later we'll be all peachy as heck. I bet it's confusing the eff out of my mum.

So anyway, last Thursday we went Easter Egg shopping and me and my brother both got one largish egg each, then a carton of little ones to go halvsies in. But the boys went camping up to Mossman for a few days, and they left pretty early on Good Friday morning so I didn't get the chance to say bye, but I woke up and went to get milk for my tea and this is what I found in the fridge:

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Luke had gone through the carton and left me all the pink ones. I almost cried, it was so thoughtful of him. Though this stint of extended hatred will probably rag eon, despite his little gesture. See, he isn't thoughtful very often; he's really quite selfish. Thus why this tiny thing almost made me cry.

Dont be decieved, he's stil an arsehole :)

So this is my mega egg I got, and I kind of regret it; it's damn massive!

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that's going to be my body shape, post Easter season.

1 comment:

Gorga said...

my brother and i are like that too! my mummy gets pissed off in the car, cos we'll be all snide commenting and whinging at each other. and then it'll turn into high-pitched giggles and loud jokes. and mum still thinks we're hating each other so she tells us to shut up =o
anyways. hope you had a great easter =)
ps- i cannot for the life of me remember how to follow peoples blogs. im so frustrateddddd D=< *throws computer out metaphorically*