Sunday, November 30, 2008

OH Almighty Blogspot!

I am a blogging virgin! Even though I like to post little doo diddlys on my Myspace blog, I barely call that blogging. And I can't explain to you why I think that, you'll just have to agree with me on this one.

But alas, my hunger for typing my thoughts frenziedly onto a keyboard has overtaking my natural instincts that suggest "ahoy, dont you think you'll bore people?". Well shut up conscience, nobody asked your opinion, you nosey lark.

So anyways, I think it'd be cool to inject some funk into my text, so here's a cool website I inter-stumbled across:

Those crazy Norweigions! They can't even keep their furniture retailer sites plain and boring. Thank god for Norweigion Ikea!

My tummy growls at me for food, like a dog growls for biscuits and a gentle rub on the belly.

Hope I didn't piss bore you too much <3.