Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Today, I discovered the magic of Cash Converters. They have a massive stack of dvds, and most of them are only $5! I'm well reputed for buying things for cheap, but we all live in an economically unstable world, and I'm just doing what I can to get by. That includes buying Blades of Glory for, a glorious, $5!

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happy days, that movie cracks me up :D

"Night time is a dark time for me.."
"It's dark for everyone moron!"
"Not for Alaskans or dudes with night-vision goggles!"

I also discovered that the book store opposite my work takes over50% off a book's price if you exchange it with one of your own. guess who's going to dump all her cheap Babysitter's Club books there, in exchange for the sweet, SWEET collection of Goosebumps and Darren Shan books. again, EXCITED!

ps; my school holidays have been very uneventful, what with me working near every day. I'm a very anti-social person.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

it's almost my birthday.

and I want this:

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a present from Kayla.

once again, Kayla brought in a whole new batch of lomo photos to scan today, and one of them was the photo she took of us at the REACH Arts workshop about 3 weeks ago. Oh yeah, we're wearing party hats:

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Monday, September 14, 2009


mostly it's lame, but a couple of things on there are funny :)

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Sunday, September 6, 2009

NOT what I was looking for.

so I just tried Google searching up the art exhibition I went to on Friday to see if those photos that guy took of me and Kayla were up on the net somewhere for me to grab them, and my own blog came up in the results. thanks Google, but no thanks.

since Friday.

Friday afternoon, my weekend was off to a pretty fantastic start! Along with my family and my lovely boyfriend Josh, I went to the opening of the Energy Art Exhibition at the Tanks Arts Center, where I had two of my photos on display.

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I went there hoping to get into Creative Generations for Visual Art, but I ended up getting 3 awards; the Ergon Energy Encouragement Award, the Peninsula Arts Encouragement Award and.. The Curators Award! Only ONE person wins the Curators Award and that means that next year I get to hold my own exhibition at The Tanks, about whatever I want, and I get $300 to spend on materials and such. I prefer that award so so much more! My mother cried when they announced my name, and my dad was off eating the free food so he missed the whole thing. Typical of my family, right? Anyway, this photographer lad wanted a tonne of photos of me and my artwork, and then some photos with our political member for our area Steve Wettenhall, who was wearing a tux! Spiffy! Oh yeah, and Kayla re-dressed-up as the dinosaur from the photos :D

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Afterwards we bought Chinese food to celebrate, and went home to watch Scrubs, so the night was just unbelievably amazing. I could not have been any better than it was, and I'm so thankful for every single person who has supported and encouraged me. I personally don't think my work is too good, but thankyou for all my friends who see potential in me, I love you more than anything.

On Saturday morning I took a Trip to Taterine! Trip to Taterine is this brilliant installation piece created by Liz Dunn and Kylie Burke, inspired by the mind of one of their mentally handicapped students Mitchell Cole, who dreamed up this entire alternate world called Taterine.

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They decked out a whole room in the Cairns Regional Gallery with this massive cardboard cave and crazy hallucinogenic lights.

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You could write on the walls with chalk, so I draw a sweetfaced unicorn.

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Inside the cave they projected this continuous film of Mitchell dressed as characters out of Taterine, dancing and doing some groovy little moves.

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After the artist's talks ended, I met up with my lovely friend Arruna, who wanted to film me wearing a Rubix Cube he had made, on my head, and stand around places in town. It was so hot to wear! but also very cool, I really can't wait to see the film when it's done!

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Laura wanted to go out that night, so we went to The Medics gig at the Smithfield YMCA. After various thumb wars, crayon fights and group singings of the Power Rangers, Transformers and Pokemon theme songs, we left. Here's some photos that I can't be bothered explaining:

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My weekend was g-reat.