Thursday, November 12, 2009

JCU Creative Arts Day.

Wasn't as art related as I thought. We were forced to do a Performing Arts exercise as well.. I dropped out of Drama for a reason. Well two reasons. I can't act, and I hate trying to act. Made me angry. But we did this cool photography exercise outside where one person wore a blindfold and the other person had to steer them away from dangers as they walked blindly, while taking photos at the same time. It was supposed to heighten your sense of hearing and touch, which I thought was a really good approach to changing your perspective of taking photos. After we did that, we got into teams of four. Three people were blindfolded and held onto a thin piece of cotton to stay together, and the aim was to not let the cotton break. The fourth person steered the other three and took photos. Some of them turned out really lovely and warm:

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Photo taken by Kayla. I love how bright my hair looks against all that green :)

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Photo taken by Thuraya I think.. Kayla was misleading me with her string! When we were in pairs, Kayla was too busy framing up her shot at one point, and let me wander into the bushes. Thanks, friend!

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I love this photo, and I'm not sure why.. Maybe it's because they're both facing different ways, but manage to be looking at each other while they're blindfolded. Or the fact that Kayla's hair is so white. Liv and Kayla, photo taken by me.

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I think this was taken by Liv? I like how my hair is flicky.

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Robert fell over! Ha! It was raining all day and the ground was very muddy and slippery. Photo by Kaity, I think. Not quite sure.

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