Sunday, July 12, 2009

I should really be in bed by now.

I just watched a wonderful documentary, titled 'Trouble in Amish Paradise', and I truly think I'm going to wake up tomorrow with a changed perspective on how I'm living my life. I can't even begin to explain why this interested me, seeing as I'm not Christian, nor am I even close to being religious. But I am highly spiritual, and I am unhappy with how I look at life, and the simple life structure of the Amish (well, of Ephraim and Amanda) has made me want to look deeper into my existence, and to simplify things. They lived without major appliances and connections to the outside world, and they worked back-breakingly hard everyday to run their farm, yet they were very positive and loving and very happy people. Most say it's their faith in God and Jesus, but seeing as I don't have that sort of faith in me, I'm going to see if I can find faith in another form. When the world is so bleak and horrid and messed up from so many humans just fucking with everything, I'd like to be able to have something to rest my head against and have faith in. I'm not turning religious, but I am searching for something.

If you were interested in checking out 'Trouble in Amish Paradise', here's a snippet:

also, their website is

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