Thursday, January 1, 2009

my list for 2009

Just a few things I'd like to do and accomplish this year:

-donate blood
-get a job I actually like
-get chosen to go to the Creative Generations workshop in Brisbane
-pass math
-get a midway decent OP score
-lose about 6kgs
-get all A's in ftv again
-meet new and exciting people
-come out of my shell a little more
-get my L's
-watch ALL the seasons of Scrubs
-meet a nice boy
-visit a capital city with a friend/friends
-figure out what exactly I want to do as a career
-skate around in a carpark
-make a short film that isn't something for school
-have a photoshoot with some tattooed people
-improve my photography
-get my hair to how I like it.

this seems like an extensive list, but there'll be a lot more things to add once I start thinking some more. I hope I can pull this all off.


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