HALLOWEEN! we decided to celebrate it a day early, up in Atherton. Who wouldn't?
So, I dress up as Jesus, complete with toga, beard and cross necklace, BUT I didn't get any photos of it before I took it off, which I'm really disappointed about.. but sure enough I'll dress up as him again soon, so I'll be sure to take a photo then.
I finished work at 5.30 and Laura picked me up. James decided, spur of the moment, that he wanted to come too so we picked him up as well. On the way out to Smithfield, there was a MASSIVE line up of cars and traffic was moving as slow as a motherbitch (N)!

When we FINALLY arrived at about 8ish, we found everyone was setting up for a huge game of Kings. Not such a good idea in hindsight, but it got everyone real silly, real quickly.

Me and Rik, and Brandon's coat jacket.

Ritchie and Justin, two great lads!

The outside crew! Ritchie wouldn't stop waving his arms around, which turned out to be a good thing coz this photo is epic as. His face + Henry just not giving a crap + Laura dressed as trailer trash. Yep, good night. Too bad I had to work the next morning back in Cairns at 9am.
Staying home tonight, when everyone else is out celebrating Halloween. It makes me a little sad, but I really don't have the energy.
PS: Thankyou to Kayla, who lent me her wide angle lens for the weekend (L).
Bigger photos on my flickr:
So, I dress up as Jesus, complete with toga, beard and cross necklace, BUT I didn't get any photos of it before I took it off, which I'm really disappointed about.. but sure enough I'll dress up as him again soon, so I'll be sure to take a photo then.
I finished work at 5.30 and Laura picked me up. James decided, spur of the moment, that he wanted to come too so we picked him up as well. On the way out to Smithfield, there was a MASSIVE line up of cars and traffic was moving as slow as a motherbitch (N)!
When we FINALLY arrived at about 8ish, we found everyone was setting up for a huge game of Kings. Not such a good idea in hindsight, but it got everyone real silly, real quickly.
Me and Rik, and Brandon's coat jacket.
Ritchie and Justin, two great lads!
The outside crew! Ritchie wouldn't stop waving his arms around, which turned out to be a good thing coz this photo is epic as. His face + Henry just not giving a crap + Laura dressed as trailer trash. Yep, good night. Too bad I had to work the next morning back in Cairns at 9am.
Staying home tonight, when everyone else is out celebrating Halloween. It makes me a little sad, but I really don't have the energy.
PS: Thankyou to Kayla, who lent me her wide angle lens for the weekend (L).
Bigger photos on my flickr:
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