Thursday, November 19, 2009

Time of Your Life

Is possibly the most cliche graduation song ever, and it was voted as ours. Because I graduate tomorrow, along with every other grade 12 student in Australia.. well most. And the thought isn't just emotional, but terrifying. I always thought I wouldn't cry when the time came for us to leave because I only have one close friend in my whole year grade, but I could barely keep a straight face today when we were practising singing our senior songs. Everyone around me was crying and coming up for hugs with tear streaked faces and it was horrible to force yourself to keep the tears in. I know they'll come tomorrow, but I don't care as much coz at least I won't look like such a fool. So long as I remember to not wear so much eye make-up. Even now as I'm sitting here, I can feel my insides tingle with excitement at the thought of cutting up my uniform and going into school as a student for the last time tomorrow, then dressing up fancy and going to grad that night. Too bad they're forcing us to dance. What happened to an individual's right to not participate? Friggin' dictator Mr. Wagner. So I've moved the majority of my files from my school computer to my home one, got half my shirt signed (I'll get the rest tomorrow) and I've signed multiple people's shirts myself, and I still feel like I'll be going back to school next year as a high school student. I don't think that part has sunk in yet. It's not that I've finished my education, coz I've still got uni, its just that I won't have to put up with petty bitching and exclusion and teachers that talk down to you and people that ruin your day. I honest to god hated high school. People say it as the best time of their lives but without a group of friends then it's nothing. I hated the groups at my high school. I don't hate the people as individuals (at least, not all of them) but I hate the whole 'grouping' thing, and being defined by what group you're with. Kids, high school is fucking cruddy and you'll hate yourself and how you used to be when you look back at the years you've spent there if you conform to a group you don't wholly like. I'm glad to leave, but I know it'll be tough now, what with working to get money to support myself through university. Then university itself. Leaving this town, making new friends.. Which will be exceedingly difficult seeing as I seem to have been self-condemmed to be a massive introvert.

Good luck with life Kelly, you're on your own now.


Teneille said...

at least it wasn't "Graduation (Friends Forever)" by Vitamin C. That was played at my formal, though I don't think it was officially the "senior song" or whatever.

almightybeanchild said...

say WHAT. You're post sounds so strange. I didn't even know you felt like this.

anyhoo, uni will be much better and if in a new town, more-so cos you'll be THE SHINY NEW TOY. Along with hundreds of others