Monday. My phone made a noise during assembly (again), I drank 350mLs of V, and Robert pointed at that Jacob-look-a-like and he saw him do it (again). I sometimes want to kill Robert, and he knows that.
Tuesday. I drank 350mLs of V. I re-submitted my art assignment. I got excited about the episode of Criminal Minds that was going to be on the following night, and reminded everyone to watch it. Kayla gave me my moustache back. We had some guy from an advertising agency in Brisbane come talk to us and it was amazing! I pretty much want his job. I worked and it was really great. I love my job.
Wednesday. I got paid $130, so I bought V. Mr. Honeywill showed me the cross processed photos he took of me and Kayla and the dinosaur costume on his lomo action camera on art camp, I love them! Kayla gave me some songs from this really cute singer that I forget the name of.. something about seven swans and Illinois? and sufjan? I'll Google it.. Sufjan Stevens and the Seven Swans - Illinois. It's really nice, I used one of his songs as a backing song for my photography podcast. I tried to eat my apple in radio class and the sub teacher told me to "take that apple outside", which made me want to take her outside. I hate pushy subs. I made Laura cry twice today, once from the bum photo I took in Coles (see previous blog post) and again when I got my 'game face' on. We watched last year's seniors video- ours is going to be better.That Jacob-look-a-like sat next to me at the bus stop. We didn't talk. I'm pretty sure he caught me looking at him (again). Sometimes I wish I could incinerate on the spot and die. I taped Criminal Minds and watched the start of it, and Rathbone is one sexy woman ;D
(by the way, that dress makes me look uber fat there. needless to say, I don't really like that photo)
Thursday. Woke up early to watch some Criminal Minds, but I only managed to fit in 10 minutes. School sucked. I had work, which was nice. I listened to Adrian bitch about annoying customers while I re-priced paint tubes. Dad took me to Centrals and I did the shopping and bought Polaroid film, which cost me $40 for 10 photos. Do the math, that's $4 a photo. For special occasions only.
Friday. School mostly sucked. I saw James pulling breakdancing moves to himself in the mirror at lunchtime and laughed to myself. Me and Dani nibbed the Dymo label maker in art and made nametags for people. Mine said "Kelly J. Mc.Awesome" and Dani's said "Banana Hammock". We made one for Mr. Honeywill that said "Bald Eagle" (he has no hair at the moment, he shaved it for art camp), and one for Mr. Weston that said "Little Miss Grumpy" and stuck them to their desks. I wish I took photos. I talked to Jackson on the bus about pink scooters, why he punched up Andrew last year, and the ugly Cairns High guy that catches our bus, that neither of us ever want to sit next to again. He's disgusting, that lad is. Went out to Smithfield and bought a 14mm stretcher and 10 Things I Hate About You. It made me feel a little bit sad coz the story is so cute and I wish something like that happened to me. Plus, the 90's was cool, and I miss them dearly. Plus, Heath Ledger is hot. Don't deny it, he's gorgeous in that movie.
Now. I'm dying my hair BACK to red (not orange, red) and I'm about to find some photos to accompany this blog. People seem to ignore blog posts that don't have photos. People are lame sometimes.
I want dinner.
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