Monday, February 23, 2009

to add to my blog following list:

Friday, February 20, 2009

I've decided to start posting my Myspace bulletins on here

That way, you'll be guaranteed of a couple of posts per day :)


"I got my film developed today of our school trip to Rusty's Markets :) a couple have some light streaks and overall they're not fantastic quality, but I think that's exactly what I needed for my art piece! now all I have to do is hole punch the corners and turn it into a book, and put it somewhere inside my cardboard 1 person cinema :D

then tomorrow I'm meeting with my friend Jess and her little bub to take some photos of them ^_________^ I can't wait! then I'll be going to Natalie's bbq in the afternoon, only I won't take my togs and swim. I'll spare everyone the painful sight of that.


I saw Molly today in Smithfield, my day was instantly brightened :) I guess I don't realise how much I miss people until I see them again..

my phone is still a deadbeat, so sorry I can't reply texts :( just myspace me if it's urgent (Y).

if you've managed to read through all of this, you should comment me! obviously you like me enough to read this far, so I think it's well deserved.

I bought frankie today, I guess that's the reason for my lovely nostalgic mood.


here's another:

"Whitley, he's so amazingly beautiful, in his musical craftsmanship.
I can't help but fall utterly in love with every single one of his songs:

http://profile. myspace. com/index. cfm?fuseaction=user. viewProfile&friendID=96467720"

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Year Long Project

Yes, I am in the middle of my photography class right now, waiting for the card reader so I can upload my latest photo in my year long project. We each had to choose something to photograph for the whole year, and I've chosen to take a photo of whatever I eat for dinner that night. So far I've only taken 4 photos but in the end I'll have well over 100!

Day 1:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Day 2:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Day 3:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Day 4:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

more to come!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Love Our News

I really don't get around to posting on here much anymore.. I'll try harder :)

So I was watching the news with dear mother just then, while eating my stirfry, and it was talking about all the rains and flooding down in Townsville. Then there was a shot of a baby croc and the presenter was saying about how it got hit by a car, since the streets were flooded, and the representitive cop came on, doing a press conference about it, and he said "well we have reason to believe he was jaywalking, he should have known better" HAHAHAHAHAH! I mean come on, who doesn't love Aussie humour :D

I love it, it's great.

-start of ranty rant-

In worse news, school has begun again for the final year of my education, and I'm weary already. I really hate going to school everyday, and this horrible weather isn't doing much good. It rains, then it gets hot, then there's this hot steam everywhere! I can't believe people are still making the sea change to live up here- morons.

-end of ranty rant-

I went to see Ross Nobel at the Civic Theatre on Sunday night, and I actually got a stitch from laughing so hard! I don't think I went more than 10 seconds without laughing, and that's NO exaggeration! He's damn golden I tell ya' :)

I have also landed myself a temporary (curse) job at Rainflowers and Wedding Bells Florist for Valentine's Day! I'll just be cleaning and answering the phone, but I'll be surrounded by flowers and people buying flowers for people they love- it should be a really good uplift of my spirits.. plus, I get paid! money is nice, I want to take my friends and my boyfriend out to dinner with my first pay check, so I hope the pay is decent.

I created a Facebook page for myself, but I barely know how to work it and have a gloom feeling that it will end up laying dorment, unless prompted by other Facebookers.

I wish my friends had Blogspot as well.

I wish I had a cup of tea that never emptied.

Today I drew a picture of a unicorn for Marisa and she stapled it into her diary. She named it Sparkle, which was just so DARNED cliche of her, she deserves a bashing. But I could never do that, because she liked my drawing, and because she has those magic pens that change colour!

I also recieved a letter from my friend Zoe, who moved to Brisbane around a month ago. I love snail mail, and I especially love her writing paper- she always out does me. Though I didn't get to read the letter until I'd found it, as my brother pwnd it and hid it in my room somewhere, giving me hints to it's hiding place until I found it. I think that amused him for a good 2 minutes.

This post is really long, I'm sorry. I just like thinking about all the things that've happened to me since I was last on here..

I finally got around to seeing The Butterfly Effect- no one told me it was such a sad movie! I really loved it though, but I'm definantly going to steer clear of its sequel. People say it's so bad, that it ruins the first movie. I don't think that could be possible, but I definantly don't want to take any chances. Reccommend me a movie, I love watching new films :)

That's all I can really think of/be bothered writing right now xx.