Today was my day off and not wanting to waste a whole day, I went op shopping with my lovely friends Laura and Angus. After we picked Angus up we went to the op shop down the road from his house. I bought a pink vase and a cute pair of shoes, and Laura bought Angus a children's Batman mask and cape combo for $2, and I'll get a photo of it soon and stick it on here. Purely because it's the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a while. Before we properly set off though we had to go into town so I could withdraw money, and we bumped into Arruna and Karl from The Medics. Karl tried our bubble tea and seemed intrigued and possibly afraid of the beverage, and Arruna said "bye Karl" and joined us on our op shop crawl. Angus directed us to a place I'd never heard of, called..

and is was the most magical and amazing and lovely and brilliant op shop I've ever been to in my entire existence. I found this awesome retro tv from the 50's or 60's and apparently it still works and I had to have it.. it was only $20, c'mon! I also bought two doilies and a cat teapot. It's possibly the most kitsch thing I own.
Angus found a tin man costume
We went to Kaotica, then to Night Owl to get slushies coz MAN it was so freakin' hot today, like you wouldn't believe. At the Earlville Lifeline Laura and I tried on these fantastic Asian wedding dresses.
Mine didn't zip up though coz it was tiny, so I was walking around the shop like a proper Asian hooker with my bra strap hanging out. We were hot.
After we picked up Laura's sister Olivia from school and dropping her home we went to Crackerbox Palace. Laura found this hideous but strangely amazing cowboy-like floral shirt that she vowed to go back and buy when she got paid, and I really hope she does coz she's a big babe when she wears it.
Eventually it came past 4 o'clock and Angus realised he had to go home, so after dropping Arruna off at a red light on Lake Street, and running over Angus's foot when we dropped him off at his house, I finally got home.. Only to realise that I'd left my tv in Laura's boot :(
She's stopping by later to drop it off to me, so I'll set how that baby runs. Oh yeah, it was a pretty excellent day.